Thursday, October 25, 2007


I work in a place where the uninformed and out of touch try to dictate my work procedure. While they believe that my job is to sit in their driveway all night and watch over them, it is not so. My job is:

Working a fatality car crash where one of the victims is a little girl the same age as my own that is wearing the exact same outfit I dressed my child in that very morning.

Cleaning hepatitis infected blood and vomit from my uniform.

Telling a three year old child why mommy is going to the hospital and daddy is going to jail.

Letting off of my halfway pulled trigger because the sixteen year old I was aiming at finally dropped his gun.

Standing knee deep in water while I pull a drunk from his vehicle that he ran into a ditch. On my birthday. My birthday is in December.

Entering an un-air conditioned trailer in the middle of July and finding a dead body that had lain there for two weeks. (Dead bodies swell and bloat with gases until they finally rupture from the pressure. The smell of the escaping gases in unbearable. Yeah, he exploded while I was there. Not to mention that he was partially cooked due to the extreme heat.)

Should I keep going, or have you had enough?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

People don't take time to think about things from that perspective, the uninformed should walk a mine in others shoes.