Friday, February 15, 2008


Half-crazed with lust. When there is a lag in the action, it always helps to have a man walk through the door with a gun. Huntin'-fishin'-huntin'-fishin'......blocking the road. A man bought it on his motorbike yestiddy. Helmet's are cool, but they don't work on your knees, zhu know?

Seen "Poltergeist," right? Similar situation around here. A few very old graves were churned (churned) up to make way for a new subdivision. No one knows about it but the workmen (long gone, no habla Ingles,) and the cops. Bad juju down there. Palpable. Don't build a house. I'm gonna do some prelims in the next few days to confirm my logical suspicions and obvious feelings. It's getting pretty bad, even Durex man stays away. If I can come up with anything tangible, I'll note it fer ye, and you can check it out. IF YOU DARE!

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