Friday, February 15, 2008

Straight jamming.

I'm on the move, I'm in the groove, alls I gotta do is choose. AIM! FIYUH! My hands have come into the the old dexterity, my feet as a mountain goat. Emphasis on GOAT chillun's you all know what he means. When the darkness comes and the dust rises, I'll be there at the center. And this center WILL hold. There will be nothing thrown off in widening spires, and this will NOT be televised. It ees ze' bool, ze' bool, we must runs senor! He eyes run silvery like nickles. Leave them broken with their mouths wide open.

Update: The kid is unstoppable. Stop. All the others have been swept away. Stop. The end is nigh. Stop. Take shelter and pray. End.

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